Friday, July 13, 2012

Tinala Katne

Tinala katne { dried meat }

Summer is a great time to dry meats. Tinala katne { dried meat } is so simple. It taste almost like a jerky except the meat is thick enough for stews & bbq's.

You will need:

This recipe can be tweaked to your taste. Try adding garlic powder to the dry mix. Soy sauce, ginger & sesame oil for a taste of the orient, Cajun spices, paprika, rosemary, thyme the possibilities are endless.

cut your meat to desired thickness. Season to taste.

 Arrange in dryer. Dry where it will receive most heat. I dry my meats for two days.

These can be frozen in zip lock bags stored in freezer for months. You can fry the dry beef, grill them, add them to stews.

My favorite is bbq them

try picking veggies from your garden and make a thick stew by adding your favorite veggies a can of Italian stewed tomatoes. Cook meat with stewed tomatoes, let simmer until meat turns soft. Add fresh veggies cook until veggies turn bright color. Enjoy! 

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