Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meaty Spaghetti

When I make spaghetti I think of my son Benhamin. He loves sugar's spaghetti. Growing up my mom would make spaghetti frequently. My mom made a special sauce for my dad. It was creamy, dreamy, and so nummy nummy { Benhamin translation for yummy }. I grew up eating spaghetti. At one point I made my own noodles and sauce from scratch. Hah...those were the good old days. Spaghetti is simple and very affordable. You can add more or less of your favorite ingredients.

Ingredients as follows:
  • Jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce { How many jars? Depends if you are eating by yourself 1/2 jar should be sufficient. If you are eating for two or more you would need additional jars }
  • Package of your favorite spaghetti noodle { You can go organic, healthy, cheap, name brand }
  • 1 package bacon { sliced }
  • 1/2 onion chopped
  • 1 package sweet Italian sausage
  • 1 lb mushroom { optional }
  • Boil your noodles in hot boiling water { Detailed directions on package } { Boil noodles until al'dente, drain in cold water and set aside }
  • Heat pan. When HOT add your bacon and stir
  • When bacon starts to change color add your onions
  • Add your Italian sausage and stir
  • Add your mushrooms and continue stirring until mushroom cooks
  • { This is a good time for you to add your veggies if you want } { example: bell pepper, garlic, olives }
  • Drain most of the fat from pan
  • Add spaghetti sauce and turn down heat. Heat sauce thru
Serve over noodles.


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