Wednesday, May 26, 2010

MUSSELS with GINGER & Green Onions

Mussels yummy yum yumz! I love seafood! I love cooking seafood! But eating it is the BEST! Mussel is very simple to cook and it adapts to different sauces well. Today I will boil it , drain , and then saute with ginger and green onion! Gof mange an dinanchi ya tipomata! { It is so delicious if it is cooked well and it does not have a fishy smell } Depending on how many people you will be feeding or if this is a meal or appetizer you need more or less.

  1. Boil mussels in salted water and drain
  2. set aside
  3. slice ginger thinly
  4. saute in hot pan until fragrant
  5. add drain mussels
  6. mix together
  7. season with salt and pepper
  8. add green onion
  9. enjoy!

Adai sa gof mange an un na pika { Taste better when it is HOT Spicy }

you can add butter for a different flavor.
you can add kimchee base just a little then add cornstarch mixed with water to thicken

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