Saturday, September 12, 2009

Finadeni tomatis w/a twist

To my familia that enjoys finadeni tomatis (pickled tomatoes) I was bored one night & decided to pimp my finadeni up a notch or two.

you will need:
  • Tomatoes (red/yellow) -hopefully they are from your garden
  • Jalapeno
  • Finadeni sauce -see below
Finadeni sauce:
  • soy sauce
  • vinegar
  • thinly sliced onion
  • chili sauce - if your fortunate to have Saipan doni "go for it" pika-ai munge
Steps: (for sauce)
Mix to your tongue liking, the spicier the better & set aside

  1. slice your tomatoes in 1/2
  2. divide into two and set the 1/2 aside
  3. grill 1/2 of your tomatoes -just enough to burn the skin but not mushy
  4. grill your jalapeno -just enough to burn the skin
  5. salt & pepper your 1/2 of tomatoes
  6. arrange on platter -1/2 grilled, 1/2 seasoned & so forth
  7. drizzle the finadeni sauce around your tomatoes
  8. add the seasoned sliced onion
Enjoy ; )

*Optional : I had left over fried tuna and oh boy that just made the perfect "chesa" for me...Gof munge'

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