Fried tuna- Tuna -hopefully it is local/ cut & slice to your style
- salt pepper ( i like to use the Johny's seasoned salt )
Steps:- heat oil
- add tuna slowly one at a time -tuna cooks quickly you must watch it carefully
- once the tuna is cooked to your desire set them aside
- arrange on a platter & serve with grated ginger & finadeni
Enjoy ; )
To my familia that enjoys finadeni tomatis (pickled tomatoes) I was bored one night & decided to pimp my finadeni up a notch or will need:- Tomatoes (red/yellow) -hopefully they are from your garden
- Jalapeno
- Finadeni sauce -see below
Finadeni sauce:- soy sauce
- vinegar
- thinly sliced onion
- chili sauce - if your fortunate to have Saipan doni "go for it" pika-ai munge
Steps: (for sauce)Mix to your tongue liking, the spicier the better & set asideSteps:- slice your tomatoes in 1/2
- divide into two and set the 1/2 aside
- grill 1/2 of your tomatoes -just enough to burn the skin but not mushy
- grill your jalapeno -just enough to burn the skin
- salt & pepper your 1/2 of tomatoes
- arrange on platter -1/2 grilled, 1/2 seasoned & so forth
- drizzle the finadeni sauce around your tomatoes
- add the seasoned sliced onion
Enjoy ; )
*Optional : I had left over fried tuna and oh boy that just made the perfect "chesa" for me...Gof munge'
After coming home late from work on a Friday evening I had to cook something quick & very inexpensive. As I opened my fridge I noticed I had a bag of mussels. Knowing the mussels give out a very strong fishy odor when cooking I decided to boil them first. You will need:- I bag mussels
- ginger (sliced)
- onion
- kimchee base
- jalapeno peppers
- butter & lot's of it ; )
Steps:- Boil mussels (drain & set aside)
- heat pan and add butter
- add onion & garlic
- add mussels
- salt/pepper to taste
- add more butter (to your liking)
- when heated thru add kimchee base
- add jalapeno
- Enjoy
I don't use measurements and I don't think anyone should. Using measuring cups & spoons to me is like just plain old "BORING" "STRAIGHT" & does not cater to my taste buds. So honey when you cook, cook to your hearts content ; )
Back to school means hungry children @ 3:00. Need to make sure my boys are eating healthy. No chips,soda or candy in the house for me. No sir. Gotta double my list on the milk jug x 3 & lot's of fruits. My boys are still at the age where they still listen to mommy (thank you Lord) so whatever mommy cooks, however she gets creative they will eat it.
I will be posting pictures and menus later. TBA.