Saturday, May 23, 2009


Oodles of yummy noodles. Yakisoba, one of my favorite noodle dishes if cooked right. I made yakisoba with left over meat and shrimps. For this dish I opted to buy store prepackaged yakisoba for the convenience & time.

  1. one packaged ready made yakisoba noodles with sauce included
  2. preferred vegetable of choice I personally love fresh spinach
  3. left over meat I used roasted pork chop thinly sliced
  4. frozen shrimp -optional
  5. butter
  1. saute your meat in butter
  2. add shrimp & continue cooking until shrimp turns opaque color
  3. add noodles add more butter if needed
  4. cook noodles for about one minute
  5. add fresh spinach & sauce packet
Serve & enjoy

Slow roasted pork chop sliced thinly

Saute shrimp until it turns opaque color

Add spinach

Spinach cooks quickly once you notice the spinach starting to wilt turn off the heat & continue mixing until all the spinach cooks evenly

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