Saturday, December 27, 2008


On Christmas Day I wanted to make it extra special for my boys so I woke up extra early to bake the turkey. I also made hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies. We had a very simple yet satisfying breakfast.My itinerary was filled for the whole day for special occasion like this I like to follow a strict schedule. I apologize for not posting any pictures or recipes for the past weeks, I wanted to focus on my boys and our tradition.
On Christmas day for breakfast we had: Fried rice, bacon, eggs, baked leg of turkey, Christmas cookies
For lunch we had : Rice, ham, left-over turkey leg from breakfast & rum cake
For in between meals we had: Artichoke & jalapeno dip, cheese, olives, tortilla chips & rosemary & olive oil triscuit (yummy this is my favorite)
For dinner we had: Rice, black ham, baked whole turkey (with Emeril's seasoning), buttered vegetables, buttered artichokes heart, stuffing, baked potatoes, & gravy
My boys enjoyed the all you can eat buffet that I set up for them. We had alot of left over ham and turkey

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