Saturday, November 29, 2008


I read in foodblog that there was a contest for "Pomegranate" and my imagination went wild. This recipe is very simple

Capt. Ben's grilled turkey w/pomegranate sauce:
  • Turkey thigh ( I did this experiment with one turkey thigh slice to desired thickness)
  • 100% pomegranate juice (approx. 1/2 c. or less)
  • salt & pepper (depending on size of turkey)
  • liquid smoke (2 t. if you put too much your turkey will turn bitter)
  • sesame oil (1 t. )
  • fermented soybean paste (misu-this can be found in asian markets)
  • chili sauce *optional
I wanted to stick to the main ingredient "pomegranate". You need to slice your turkey thigh thinly not paper thin. Salt & pepper the turkey. Place your turkey in a plastic bag add enough pomegranate juice to cover the meat add liquid smoke. Seal the bag and marinate over night. Grill

  • Grill the turkey thigh to a medium rare and set on a cutting board to rest and continue cooking. Depending on how thin you slice your turkey you need to make sure you don't overcook your turkey or it will turn hard

  • Slice your turkey meat across the grain and present on a serving platter. If you take a closer look this turkey was grilled to perfection

  • Drizzle with reduced pomegranate sauce
*How to make reduced sauce: Add approx. 1/4 cup to sauce pan and cook on high once boils reduce the heat to low until desired consistency I like to reduce it down enough for the sauce to stick on the back of a spoon somewhat like thin syrup.

My children like this without the sauce I like it with the sauce it is your preference with or without. Be patient when marinating & grilling. I normally use pomegranate in dessert or just eat them plain but I wanted to go outside the box with this recipe which by the way turned out great!

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