Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Sunday morning on my way home from church I saw a sign that was advertising: Chanterelle Mushrooms for Sale, For those of us that share the Love for Mushrooms and believe me there is a few of us out there. The sound of Chanterelle Mushroom ....ahh....music to my ears...and my son Alfonso loves mushrooms as much as I. It was a beautiful day and the house selling the mushrooms was less than a mile from my house I decided to walk with my boys, and we did, when we came to the house the mushrooms were in a cooler. I inquired how much the mushrooms were and the lady said $10.00 a pound WOW! Short on cash and I can see my son's interest on the mushrooms I ended up buying 1/2 pound. As we were walking back home I was asking myself how can I make this 1/2 pound mushroom to feed 6 people? Wait last night I made slow roasted chicken with potatoes, celery, carrots, garlic, salt & pepper and I had sufficient left overs to get creative for dinner. I can make soup. Yummy in my tummy. It was 12:00 and I had enough time to cook this soup on low for 4 hours so the actual flavors can mingle and be friendly with each other. I made the soup with lots of Love slowly cooked boy did my children love it. Dinner was super yummy and it only cost me $5.00 for the mushrooms! I did good with my budget

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