Today is Halloween and my kids want to go trick-o-treat'n. So at my lunch instead of me enjoying comfort food at work I walked home and turned on my bbq crock pot to low and threw in a slab of beef ribs.
bbq ribs:
- 1 slab ribs of choice beef,pork
- seasoning salt
- bbg sauce of choice
- liquid smoke
lightly season the ribs and add liquid smoke approximately 1-2 T. Slowly bake at low for 3 hours. On the last 30 minutes of baking add one bottle bbq sauce. Turn the heat to high and continue baking.Enjoy!
We are having a comfort food theme potluck at work. I originally signed up to bring pumpkin pie but noticed that the cost for the pie will be over $8.00 ingredient and baking cost. I will bring white cake with a treat in the filling. I want to get creative so I will try to fill the cake with candy inside or a pumpkin cream cheese filling. What do you think? It all depends on whats in my pantry and refrigerator.
- 1 box white cake mix -any brand
Follow the directions on the box , bake in a bunt cake pan set the cake aside when done
option 1-filling: - assorted small candies -your preference
If you are serving this cake for children I suggest you don't follow this method unless there will be a parent supervising the child
option 2-filling: - 1 can pumpkin
- 1 8oz cream cheese
- 1 8oz cool whip
- 1 box vanilla pudding
beat cream cheese until smooth slowly add in pumpkin filling continue beating. Add vanilla pudding beat for another minute slowly add the cool whip and fold in
Assembling the cake: - With your cake still in the pan cut the middle of the cake to make a hallow filling DO NOT CUT THE CAKE IN HALF PLEASE! Try as much as possible to slowly cut the cake you will need these cut cake pieces to place back on the cake when you are done.
When using option 1: - fill the hollow cake with candy and with the cut out pieces try to patch back the cake as neatly as you can. Flip the cake over and place on a cake plate of your choice
- When icing the cake I recommend you take some icing and fill 1/2 of a sand which bag. This will be your decorating bag. Decorate the cake
When using option 2: - fill the hollow cake with the pumpkin filling with the cut out pieces try to patch back the cake as neatly as you can. Flip the cake over and place on a cake plate of your choice
- When icing the cake I recommend you take some icing and fill 1/2 of a sand which bag. This will be your decorating bag. Decorate the cake
This is what I consider cheating. I wake up early in the morning to get my cheap cup of coffee and my coffee maker is not working. Great! I got another excuse to go and get coffee somewhere other than here! As the word yeah slowly pops up on my head.....the word s...t pops up after because I have made a mental agreement with myself yes I said it myself if there were a time that I went out and bought coffee for myself I would in turn pay myself the same amount I paid the coffee. Funny you think huh..well not exactly...You see one of my favorite books is from Mary Hunt The Cheapskate Monthly and in that book it taught me the importance of money and how if I don't really look at how I spend I just flounder the money away as if it was a glass of water. Anyways if you ever come across this book read it! It has taught me great lessons and I am sure it will teach you too.
Back to my cheating I am going out for a cup of coffee and OMG you don't know how I deserve this. I really do. I am going to enjoy every $2.50 dollars worth of coffee hey you never know maybe I can kick up this cheating into an affair and order "toast & or pancakes" whatever choice I make it will be a yummy one...LOL..
Sunday morning on my way home from church I saw a sign that was advertising: Chanterelle Mushrooms for Sale, For those of us that share the Love for Mushrooms and believe me there is a few of us out there. The sound of Chanterelle Mushroom to my ears...and my son Alfonso loves mushrooms as much as I. It was a beautiful day and the house selling the mushrooms was less than a mile from my house I decided to walk with my boys, and we did, when we came to the house the mushrooms were in a cooler. I inquired how much the mushrooms were and the lady said $10.00 a pound WOW! Short on cash and I can see my son's interest on the mushrooms I ended up buying 1/2 pound. As we were walking back home I was asking myself how can I make this 1/2 pound mushroom to feed 6 people? Wait last night I made slow roasted chicken with potatoes, celery, carrots, garlic, salt & pepper and I had sufficient left overs to get creative for dinner. I can make soup. Yummy in my tummy. It was 12:00 and I had enough time to cook this soup on low for 4 hours so the actual flavors can mingle and be friendly with each other. I made the soup with lots of Love slowly cooked boy did my children love it. Dinner was super yummy and it only cost me $5.00 for the mushrooms! I did good with my budget